Our Services

1-to-1 coaching, support and advocacy

Through one-to-one support, we help our young people leaving care with the kind of everyday tasks most of us take for granted; managing finances, accessing health services – even grocery shopping.

This personal support also helps young people understand how to keep and stay safe in a new and sometimes daunting adult world.

Our key workers also encourage our young people to aspire to a positive future by helping them access education or employment opportunities and voluntary work.  They are assisted with creating  CVs and supported throughout the application and recruitment process.

We know attending college or starting a new job can be overwhelming for some young people. Therefore our key workers will support them to stay in education or maintain employment if they’re finding it difficult to cope, through a coaching approach.

We work closely with the social worker to incorporate a Care plan, support plan, and key working sessions at least monthly. Staff act as advocates, provide informal counselling and help residents access specialist services. Residents expected to participate in planned programme of activities and may move from shared housing to the more independent bedsits and flats.

As a smaller organisation, we can offer Local Authorities, and their young people, a personalised and non-institutional approach,

Each young person’s needs are assessed on an ongoing basis enabling us to tailor services to meet their requirements and respond quickly and effectively.

No matter the time of day, our Community Housing Services team are on-call to provide assistance when needed.

The young person will have access to mentors and qualified practitioners. They will receive one to one tutorials either online, or at an external college or work placement.

The support given is based on the needs of each individual young person. As they become more independent and transition into the world, of employment and become more self sufficient this  support will gradually decrease.

The services that each young person uses will vary depending on their age and needs. Our outreach Services team provides monthly activities and support for all young people at the decorum group.